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Updated: Jan 30, 2024

It has been a few months of reflection here at Curated Makers and looking back at some of the feedback from the markets has been amazing to see! We pulled the markets off with a 3-week turnaround and my word, it was intense! Good intense as we learnt LOADS, supported over 100 small businesses, created a whole new opportunity for all involved, seeing us pop up across the UK in destinations we had never launched before and started scoping out how we could help even more small businesses gain big opportunities. We love the role we play here and so wanted to share with you some of the highlights!

Yes, a few things didn't go 100%, we're human right?! Not every business made thousands of pounds, but that's retail right?! Some did A LOT of revenue!! Not every venue was as busy as one another, we had varying COVID fun to deal with too. Sometimes customers and products are a perfect fit, sometimes assumptions aren’t realised and there is no fit. These aren't excuses, it simply shows that what may be the perfect opportunity for one person, isn't quite ready for the next. The main thing is to TRY!

Listening to the feedback (positive, negative and constructive) is so crucial. In the last couple of years, we have tackled challenge after challenge and learning continuously as we go. Our very small team try everything we can to get it right 💛

Community, Care and Collaboration are big focuses for us at Curated Makers. Whilst on our mission to create big opportunities for small businesses, we want to make sure that every maker feels like they have benefitted from taking part in a Curated Makers pop-up.

Interested in what we do and think you'd like to work with us? You can apply for our market by heading here, or register your interest in one of our future pop-ups by heading here

Thank you to anyone for leaving feedback in any business or means a lot to the receiver indeed!

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